
Line-by-line Instructions

Release Number
Clearly identify the release that these instructions apply to. Otherwise, if users have multiple versions of your product, it is possible that they will confuse different versions of the installation document.
Customer Support
Clearly indicate the user's technical support options.
Give a very brief description of this release.
Minimal System Requirements
The minimal system requirements are stated in the release notes.
Customization: you may prefer to write the minimal system requirements into these installation instructions and remove it from the release notes.
What other software must be installed first?
List prerequiste software that must be installed before your product can be installed.
How do I install PRODUCT-NAME?
Write the installation steps here. The steps should be written in enough detail that an actual user can follow them. You must test the installation process with actual users before shipping the release. Users who have difficulty installing the product can generate expensive calls to technical support.
How can I uninstall PRODUCT-NAME?
Likewise, write the uninstall steps in enough detail for a user to actually follow.
Getting Started
It can be a good idea to show users how to perform a very simple tasks to prove to themselves that the product is properly installed and working. For example, the Apache webserver will show a default page that simply indicates that the server is up and working.
Customization: you may choose to simply refer to the getting started section of the userguide.

Advice from other
ReadySET Users

To add your own words of wisdom, please send an email to the ReadySET Pro users mailing list.

Further Reading